Man Makes Frequent Trips To Asia To Rescue Hundreds Of Dogs From Underground Meat Trade

Marc Ching is a very busy man.  He runs a holistic pet food shop called the PetStaurant and a local animal shelter. He also makes frequent visits to parts of Asia. He does not go there for vacation; his sole purpose is to rescue dogs out of the underground meat trade.

Marc started the Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation in 2011 hoping to help neglected and abused dog find loving homes. Animal Hope and Wellness is a non-profit organization whose mission is to save as many animals as possible.

When Marc Ching learned about the Yulin Dog Meat Festival in 2015, it radically changed Marc and his foundation.

underground dog meat trade

“The abuse and inhumanity is so brutal out there that it does not compare to anything here in America,” Marc said about the Yulin festival.

Once he traveled to China and saw the cruelty firsthand, Marc decided that he could not leave these animals to fend for themselves. He was appalled at the horrific torture they were being subjected to.

Marc has gone back to Asia six times and is preparing for his seventh trip. When he is there, he pretends to be a wealthy American businessman looking for dog meat. Marc tricks slaughterhouses into selling him live dogs as “samples” of the product. Once the dogs are secured, Marc and his team smuggle them back to the United States where these poor animals can get medical attention and love they need.

underground dog meat trade

In some cultures, it is believed that adrenaline makes dog meat taste better, and has certain health benefits. These claims are false and promote a torture-based process for slaughtering these poor creatures.

“This trade is built upon the belief that if you torture and abuse the animal, it makes the meat taste better,” Ching said in regards to the dog meat industry.

The International Human Society has estimated that over one million dogs are brutally slaughtered for their fur or meat each year in China alone.

underground dog meat trade


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