People around the world have been fighting to put an end to the Yulin Dog Meat Festival in Yulin, China. After a long and brutal fight, China has finally taken steps to end the Yulin festival once and for all!
The Chinese government refused to admit the existence of the festival for years, preventing any serious push to end it. The International Humane Society has fought to end the meat trade through rescue, increasing visibility, and even blocking trucks of dogs from getting to Yulin. The goal has always been to pressure the government into action.
When the new party secretary, Mo Gong Ming, took office in Yulin, he enacted a ban on selling dog meat at restaurants, markets, and street vendors. The ban took effect on June 15, 2017, a week before the festival was about to begin. Selling dog meat can result in a 100,000 yuan fine (roughly $15,000 USD) and arrest. Ming’s actions are part of his plan to overhaul the public image of Yulin and create a “city of culture and civilization.” Ending the festival is a huge step in the right direction.
The ban although temporary, gives us hope that it will manage to destroy the market over the next few years and end the festival for good, regardless of the ban’s longevity. Thank you to everyone who has taken steps to help fight the Yulin festival!
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