Dogs Who Are Not Thankful At Thanksgiving. You’re About To See Why…

Thanksgiving’s about turkey, spending time with family (have plenty of wine on hand for that part), and giving thanks. Apparently, that wasn’t enough for the owners of these dogs who had to suffer the indignity of wearing silly costumes. Here are some dogs who are NOT thankful at Thanksgiving, due to silly costumes.

1. “I’m gonna need a way bigger net to catch this turkey.” #Fail

dog thanksgiving costumes

2. “The redness of my wattle symbolizes the rage I feel inside right now.”

dog thanksgiving costumes

3. “I hope you know we plan to steal the pumpkin pie to make up for this betrayal of trust.”

dog thanksgiving costumes

4. “Really. Really right now?”

dog thanksgiving costumes

5. “Gee, way to reuse the tiny hooman’s school project. So festive.”

dog thanksgiving costumes

6. “We need to have a talk about your craft store obsession.”

dog thanksgiving costumes

7. “It never ends well when hoomans start sticking stuff to my rear end.”

dog thanksgiving costumes

8. “That’s it. I’m pooping in the fireplace.”

dog thanksgiving costumes

9. “I said I wanted to EAT the turkey, not BE the turkey!”

dog thanksgiving costumes

10. “This must be payback for that time we ate your sandwich. Worth it.”

dog thanksgiving costumes

11. “None of this is even real. This holiday stinks!”

dog thanksgiving costumes

12. “This is going to cost you lots of treats.”

dog thanksgiving costumes

The lesson to take away from all this? This Thanksgiving, dress the turkey — not the dog.


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