Dotty, a sweet senior dog, was injured while living on the streets of India. She wandered around looking to find someone to help her. She tried to squeeze through the bars of a gate and accidentally got herself stuck.
When Animal Aid Unlimited found out about Dotty, they immediately rushed out to help her. They needed to get her out of the gate and back to their shelter to treat her injuries as soon as possible.
Dotty was so tightly wedged that it was impossible to pull her back through…
…and so after covering her with a blanket to keep her safe, rescuers began cutting through the bars of the gate in order to free her.
Once rescuers freed Dotty they rushed her back to the Animal Aid Unlimited shelter. They began treating her wounds which were already very infected. They cleaned them out and started her on IV fluids for dehydration.
They gave her a comfy place to rest while she healed…
…and most likely, her first full meal in a very long time, which she accepted eagerly and gratefully.
Dotty’s wounds needed daily care for weeks, and because of her age, rescuers were a little worried she might not make it.
“She was very old and weakened with her injuries, but this old girl was strong, brave and full of love,” Animal Aid Unlimited wrote in a video about Dotty.
After weeks and weeks of intensive care and lots and lots of love…
…sweet, old Dotty was completely healed.
Dotty is so happy hanging out with all her new friends at the shelter. She even seems to have some of her puppy energy now that she’s feeling better. Dotty is a true example of what happens when you refuse to give up.
Watch the full video of Dotty’s rescue below:
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