One-Week-Old Kitten Is Adopted By An Unlikely Pair Of Animals

Chaos and Atilla from Oregon, have become the surrogate parents to an orphan kitten!  Chaos brought the tiny kitten home and instantly became its’, mother. This was entirely unexpected since Chaos has never been so gentle with such a tiny animal. Once the kitten was in her home, Chaos could not stop licking and caressing her!

Dog adopts cat

Chaos is a Kelpie Mix while Atilla is a lovely Labrador.  Their mom, Tiffany Hull, thought that the dogs might have taken the kitten from its’ mother and placed the kitten by the front gate in case the mother cat returned for her baby.

That was not the case. Hull’s boyfriend found the kitten in the same place the next day. He brought the kitten home, again, and they named him Jake. Jake received a warm welcome from Chaos and Atilla!

Dog adopts cat

When they found her, the one-week old kitten had not even opened his eyes yet. Chaos guarded her against Atilla while she slept in a shoe box.  After a week, Chaos let Atilla play with Jake as well as babysit him!


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