Teacup Poodle Brightens Minnesota Nursing Home Daily With Her Presence

Most people don’t look forward to getting older, even though with age comes wisdom. It’s no fun losing the independence we all value. Granted, there are options like “Granny Pods,” and many nursing homes are practically luxury resorts, but it’s not something most people look forward to.

That’s why facilities all over the country are continually looking for ways to improve the lives of their residents. Cats, dogs, and more are trained to give the elderly comfort and unconditional love. But, for one pup, the training wasn’t necessary. In the video below, watch Nala as she makes the rounds at Lyngblomsten Senior Housing Center in St. Paul, Minnesota. Her owner, Doug Dawson, works there in the conventional sense, but Nala has her own important job to do each day, as well.


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