These Massive Dogs Were Once Bred To Hunt Bears

The Caucasian Mountain Dog was bred in Caucuses of Russia for the purpose of bear hunting.

russian bear dog

These dogs can grow to weigh more than 200 pounds.

russian bear dog

They make excellent guard dogs.

russian bear dog

But they are a very loving family member.

russian bear dog

They are also referred to as Caucasian Ovcharka.  They were first bred in the mountainous Caucuses between the Black and Caspian Seas.

russian bear dog

They have been here for about 600 years and are used to hunt bears and to protect flocks of sheep.

russian bear dog

They are known to be some of the most fearless and loyal breed of dogs.

russian bear dog

I hope you love these massive dogs as much as we do. Please share them with your friends and loved ones, so they can learn about these magnificent giants!

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