18 Awesome Life Hacks For Dog Owners. #10 Is The Best!

Here are some helpful tips for you and your best friend.

1. A carabiner is an easy way to secure your dog’s leash when you’re out in public.
life hacks for dogs

2. Attach a bottle opener to your dog’s collar.
life hacks for dogs

3. If your dog eats too fast, put a ball in the food bowl.
life hacks for dogs

4. Use a plastic pitcher for dog food. It’s easier to pour and keeps the food fresh.
life hacks for dogs

5. Know CPR for dogs.
life hacks for dogs

6. Use a squeegee for easy removal of pet hair from carpet.
life hacks for dogs

7. Sprinkle a little bit of fresh parsley into your dog’s food to freshen their breath.
life hacks for dogs

8. Memorize the foods that are toxic to dogs and keep them out of their reach.
life hacks for dogs

9. For an easy treat on hot days, cut up apples in low sodium chicken broth and freeze in an ice cube tray.
life hacks for dogs

10. Use citronella, rosemary, eucalyptus, cedar, lemongrass essential oils for a natural way to fight fleas and ticks instead of toxic chemicals.

Choose only therapeutic grade essential oils to ensure that the oils are pure and safe. For more information, check out ADR The Animal Desk Reference for Essential Oils For Animals by Melissa Shelton DVM.
life hacks for dogs

11. Know your dog’s language.
life hacks for dogs

12. Use shower caps while in the bathtub to prevent water and soap from getting into their ears or eyes.
life hacks for dogs

13. Make pill pockets for their medicine.
life hacks for dogs

14. To remove pet hair from upholstery, dampen a rubber glove and run your gloved hand over it.
life hacks for dogs

15. If your dog doesn’t like having his teeth brushed, squeeze some enzymatic dog toothpaste onto a Nylabone or rope toy.
life hacks for dogs

16. Use baking soda to get dog urine out of carpet.
life hacks for dogs

17. If your dog isn’t feeling well, add some low-sodium chicken broth to the drinking water.
life hacks for dogs

18. Use this tip if your dog ever gets lost.
life hacks for dogs

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