If you have a pet, chances are you have carpet stains from your beloved pet in your home. When this woman noticed several stains from her dog on the carpet, she came up with a solution to getting rid of the stains.
DeeDee came up with a simple solution using a few items that are probably already in your home. Firsts she checked a few areas of the carpet where the dog stains were. She then combined two ingredients, Dawn dish detergent and hydrogen peroxide together to make a cleaning solution.
Using a scrubbing brush and equal parts of each liquid, all you have to do is scrub the stained areas with the liquid. The peroxide will gently lift the stains from the floor while the dish detergent cleans the carpet, leaving behind a pleasant smell. The solution needs to sit on the carpet for about 30 minutes before gently blotting the area with a towel.
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