Spirited Owners Decide To Do Photoshoot With Their Husky For Christmas, He’s Not Having It…

The Christmas spirit is coming for famously grumpy Siberian husky Anuko. In his recent festive photoshoot, looks can be deceiving.

“He has a dark black mask around his face that makes him look that way. It runs in his family,” said his owner Jasmine.

His steely expression isn’t that of innately grumpy character, quite the opposite in fact. He is really a very relaxed and kind dog who shows a great enthusiasm for the fun things in life.

“He’s mostly chilled out, very quiet. He’s not overbearing so doesn’t like cuddles that much, but if you leave the room he will follow. He’s like my little shadow and he intervenes when he sees necessary – something that’s benefited me a lot regarding my mental health” Jasmine said.

Jasmine found Anuko when he was just 5 weeks old. Jasmine was struggling with mental health issues at the time and heard that many like her benefited from getting a dog. The pair bonded immediately and Anuko has played a huge part in her recovery and well-being.

“When I got him I was quite suicidal and depressive, I didn’t have any friends or a job and I’d quit school. I lived my life in bed, practically,” she told us.

“Thank goodness he came into my life because without him I’d probably still be in bed, or worse. He encouraged me to get out – the fresh air and so many hours outdoors with him did me a lot of good.”

Jasmine now runs several social media and web pages dedicated to Anuko and two huskies in general.

“I run a website called Snowdog Guru, where I help other Snowdog owners,” she said.

“They’re a unique breed and come with a lot of responsibility. Because of my expanding website though, I made the decision that I wanted to go to vet school which I’m applying for this year. None of it would’ve happened without him coming into my life.”

Scroll down to check out Anuko’s hilariously grumpy, (not really) photoshoot!

husky christmas photoshoot

husky christmas photoshoot

husky christmas photoshoot

husky christmas photoshoot

husky christmas photoshoot

husky christmas photoshoot

husky christmas photoshoot

husky christmas photoshoot

husky christmas photoshoot

husky christmas photoshoot

husky christmas photoshoot

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