Meet The Cat Who Is Melting Hearts With Her Lovely Markings

Meet a cat who wears her heart proudly on her chest! Zoë is so unique, you can’t help but stare. Her legs, and chest, while lined up just so, make a perfect heart.

Zoë’s humans were the first to notice her special black heart birthmark. When they first met her, they were there to actually adopt her sister Izzy, but after one look at Zoë , it was love at first sight.


Because of  Zoë’s “heart on her chest”, the two tuxedo feline sisters were able to be adopted together.


As Zoë has grown, so has her heart patch.


With her longer fur coat, as the “Queen of Hearts.”


If you want to see more photos of Zoë and her sister Izzy, they do have an Instagram account with an impressive 75,000 followers and counting. Though Zoë was initially the center of attention, Izzy earned her place with her amusing, expressive face.

The two cats are British Shorthair mixes, and even though they are sisters, they have the cutest contrasting personalities. Izzy is an explorer at heart, fearless, while Zoë is cautious, but very curious.


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