Couple Rescues Dogs From Kill Shelters To Relocate Them To Forever Homes

Tracy Wyatt followed her passion: saving the lives of unloved dogs. Since 2011, Tracy and her husband Scott started taking road trips, collecting unwanted dogs from Texas kill shelters. They would then relocate them to other states to find their forever homes.

Their incredible company, Tracy’s Dogs, has adopted out over 3,700 dogs who would have otherwise been euthanized.

Now, Tracy’s Dogs partners with PetSmart to set meeting places where new owners will meet their dogs. After filling out applications matching owners to the right dogs, and completing the pre-adoption process, Scott loads dozens of lucky pups into a 32-foot trailer and takes them to PetSmart parking lots in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Washington, DC and Florida. That is when the new, pre-approved pet parents are eagerly waiting to meet their new family member.

In the video below, watch the moment some of these new owners meet their dogs for the very first time. It is so incredibly beautiful and emotional to watch these families growing right before your eyes.

“I cried with happiness through most of this video,” one commenter writes. “I have never seen so many adorable dogs get adopted on the same day. It seemed like most of the dogs knew that they were finally going home to their forever family and would never worry again. I cannot believe that if it weren’t for your help these dogs would no longer be here. This was the most heartwarming thing that I have seen in a while.”


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