Homeless Dog Of War Has Finally Found A Forever Home Thanks To A Brave And Devoted Soldier

Ollie the dog became an irreplaceable part of a unit of U.S. soldiers in Iraq. The army unit had adopted Ollie when he was just a wee pup and were so inspired by him that they made him their official mascot. Ollie gave them much needed comfort, companionship, and snuggles.

When the unit was disbanded a month ago and the soldiers returned to America, Army specialist Ken Wyrsch knew he had to bring Ollie home with him. Last week, Ollie was reunited in San Francisco with Ken.

Ken said:

“You don’t leave a friend behind, can’t do it.”

The SPCA International helped send Ollie on the trip that would change his life, from Iraq to the U.S. According to Ken, it cost thousands of dollars in donations.

The SPCA International founded Operation Baghdad Pups in 2008 to help soldiers who fought in Iraq take their best friends home with them to the U.S. According to their website, the operation has helped bring over 550 animals to the U.S. from multiple countries in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa.

Thanks to one soldier’s refusal to leave his best bud behind, Ollie has a brand new life with humans who will love him forever.


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