Shed Defender is the brainchild of Tyson Walters, is a form-fitting garment made out of breathable, lightweight material and it will save your car from being covered in dog fur! The Shed Defender was designed to help remedy the common problem dog owners have when they take their dog for a ride in the car: shedding.
They are dog leotards. Walters said that the inspiration was his own dog, Harley, a Saint Bernard.
Harley’s fur was ruining his car, so he had practically ruined the car, and the Shed Defender turned out to be the answer.
The leotard doesn’t stop shedding, it only keeps the fur off the seats of your car.
When your friends with allergies come over, the leotard helps minimize the spread of hair and dander.
Other benefits: it keeps your dog warm when it gets cold outside and helps keep your dog’s coat clean.
The Shed Defender can be used instead of the cone of shame for dogs with skin conditions or stitches.
The company says that the garment should not be warm all the time. It is designed to wear for brief periods.
Dogs, of course, will still need to be groomed for a healthy coat. There is a zipper that needs to be unzipped when your dog does his or her ‘business.’
It may take your dog a little time to get used to it, but the product has veterinarians stamp of approval. Visit the company website for more information.
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