Rowdy and Rigby adore each other and have been living together for two years. The pair does everything together despite each of them having very unique personalities.
“Rowdy is a rule-follower, and gets very anxious when things aren’t just-so,” Luke Swanberg, the pair’s dad said. “He wakes me up when my alarm doesn’t go off because he knows something isn’t right. Rigby is a lover, he always wants to snuggle and give kisses. When he plays, he bounces around like a dope and loves keep-away. Sometimes they argue over toys and who gets pets, but they snuggle up with each other all the time.”
Rowdy and Rigby always stick together, even through good times…
…and bad.
The pair loves to snuggle up together, often in the same dog bed . The bed is only meant to fit one, so their dad built them a set of bunk beds so they could always sleep together.
“I made the bunk beds as a random crazy idea, but they didn’t turn out great at first, so we didn’t use them for a while,” Swanberg said. “Then recently I finished them in a weekend. I still need to make some steps for them to get in and out of the top easier.”
Rowdy and Rigby love the bunk beds and have been sleeping in them ever since…
…but sometimes, they end up sharing the bottom bunk, because they just can’t get enough of each other.
“They’ve been using them nonstop,” Swanberg said. “I can’t get them out of the beds to go out at night. Normally when I come home from work they’re all over me, but today they didn’t even get up. There are no designated spots, but until I get the steps made, the bottom bunk seems to be the favorite for both.”
Once the steps are made, the brothers will spend a little more time in their separate bunks.
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