She Posts Serious Warning To Other Dog Owners After Her Worst Nightmare Came True…

Trish Kenyon wants to warn every dog owner about the potential dangers of a common dog bed. Trish arrived home to find her one-year-old Staffie tangled in strips of white cloth. The dog, after being choked by the long strips of fabric that composed the inside of the bed, was strangled and killed.

“I could hear horrible choking noises when I got home. I was panicking and Pip was very distressed. She was in a mess. Bonnie was her baby and she was trying to save her,” Trish explained.

Trish purchased the dog bed for Bonnie and Pip. It was made of a special stuffing composed of long strips of fabric. Bonnie tore into her bed, and somehow got tangled that the strips made their way around her neck 12 times.

Trish’s daughter, Jodie Cooke, posted a message on Facebook after learning what happened to Bonnie. She wanted to warn other dog owners who may have similar dog

Jodie’s Facebook post is shared below:

“I feel incredibly heartbroken writing this but feel I need to raise awareness to any dog owners out there. My mum and I bought matching dog beds. As you can see they are not made with average stuffing. It has also been stuffed with long strips of fabric.

My mum came back home after being out for only 25 minutes to find her one-year-old dog and her mother (dog) stuck in the strips. These strips of fabric have unfortunately strangled and killed the young dog whilst her mum was trapped and couldn’t release her pup. There were many different designs so please if you have a dog bed like this have a look inside and please share this post. It may save a dog’s life.

For all those asking this bed was purchased from a local farm shop which I will not hold accountable as they only sell them and don’t manufacture however I have seen them for sale in many places. I am doing all I can to get justice for our beautiful Bonnie and hopefully make a difference to other dogs and get these things banned. Thank you so much for your lovely comments and messages. Means a lot! RIP Bonnie.”

Trish thought the bed was a more comfortable alternative to the plastic ones available. It was unfortunate that the construction of these beds caused her to lose one of her own puppies. Trish will never be able to bring Bonnie back, she finds solace in the fact that this horrible tragedy may have just saved the lives of hundreds of other dogs.

Shared over 14,000 times, Jodie Cooke’s post gathered over 3000 comments. Thanks to Jodie’s post, others all over the world were aware of the dangers of these types of dog beds.


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