There is a never ending battle between cat and dog owners. They each think that their pet is superior to the other. Below are the funny differences between the two.
When we come home from work, our dogs are always excited to see us and will greet us with a wag of the tail and kisses. Cats, on the other hand, don’t seem as interested in our presence, even if we’ve been gone for hours.
In regards to food, dogs would be happy with any scraps we give them, even if it’s just a plain bone. Cats… not so much. They’re more finicky with their food, even with the high quality stuff that cost an arm and a leg.
Snuggle time in bed can be a toss up; rarely do we ever invite our dogs into our beds, but cats get free roam of our bed sheets, and sometimes are even invited under the covers with us.
Roles are reversed when it comes to praise and treatment by our pets. Dogs seem to worship the ground we walk on, while we seem to be the servants to our cats’ whims.
But one thing that’s common in both pets: they both know how to destroy a house and its contents. While a dog may feel sorry about is actions, a cat couldn’t care less.
These illustrations have made it much easier for people to understand why people tend towards different pets, as they need different needs to be met in their lives. Some owners may take these images with a grain of salt, but we can all admit that there is some grain of truth in these humorous images. Share away, people!
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