Tua Plu, a stray doggie in Thailand, who always brings a little gift to the woman who feeds him.“When he is hungry, he will offer something to get fed,” Orawan Kaewla-iat, a lady who gives food to homeless dogs, wrote on Facebook. “Every day he shows up with an object in his mouth — usually a leaf and sometimes a piece of paper. Before you feed other dogs, you have to feed Tua Plu and his mom.”
The loving dog knows that his kind behavior is more endearing that just going straight to the rice bowls. Orawan’s post with a little video went viral and had gained admirers all around the world. Many of which would like to adopt Tua Plu. Soon he and his mom will find a loving forever home, and the lucky owner can expect to be showered with gifts.
Tua Plu, always brings presents in exchange for food!
“He shows up with an object in his mouth — usually a leaf and sometimes a piece of paper.”
Tua Plu is now Internet famous, and there are those who expressed interest in adopting him.
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