New Owner Proudly Posts Freedom Pic Of His Adopted Dog, Results In Police Getting Called…

police confiscate pit bull

In just a matter of days, Dan and Diggy’s smiles had won over the Internet. In just a day the picture had garnered 24,000 likes on Detroit Dog Rescue’s page. Not long after that, Dan found himself getting messages and calls left and right from the media. But for every following there will always be haters lurking in the shadows.

police confiscate pit bull

The post’s caption read “We know this photo is going to break the internet and we apologize, but we had to share. After almost 100 days in the shelter, Sir Wiggleton just got adopted. Sir Wiggleton and his new Dad are celebrating adoption day with huge smiles all around!”

police confiscate pit bull

Naturally, Dan was thrilled with the notoriety going viral brings. And as far as he was concerned, there were absolutely no downsides to it. As a result, it came as a massive shock to Dan when, just a few days after posting the picture, the Waterford Police Department were banging on his door.

police confiscate pit bull

Having seen the viral photo, the officers informed Dan that he had violated the Waterford’s ban on owning pit bulls. According to the township, both pit bulls and pit bull mixes are considered to be “dangerous dogs.” Possessing one was a punishable crime. Diggy would have to be returned to the Detroit Dog Rescue, or else.

police confiscate pit bull

Dan was convinced that the officers would simply let him off with a warning though. After all, Diggy was no more dangerous than a chihuahua. “When they went to the gate [to] actually see him, he licked their face, was very kind,” Dan explained to WWJ. “They said, we’re dog lovers, that’s cool, he seems like a good boy. Took some pictures of him.”

police confiscate pit bull

Even though Diggy’s adoption papers stated that he was an American bulldog, the officers weren’t budging. Lt. Todd Hasselbach of the Waterford Township Police told The Detroit News in June that Diggy didn’t pass the eye test. “It looks like a pit to me,’’ he said. “I’d write a ticket.” Dan had just three days to say goodbye.