Police Arrive On The Scene At Florida Liquor Store, Only To Find A Drunken Opossum…

A policeman showed up at a wildlife rescue center in Okaloosa County, Florida, carrying a cardboard box with a drunk animal inside.

“I thought it was just a practical joke,” Michelle Pettis, a wildlife health technician at Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge said. “But I opened the box and there was the opossum. She definitely wasn’t acting normal.”

An employee discovered a wild opossum beside a broken bottle of bourbon after he had apparently broken into Cash’s Liquor Store.

opossum breaks into liquor store

Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge

Police officers are used to dealing with inebriated individuals, but this was a bit different.

The employee and responding officer managed to wrangle the tipsy furball into a box and bring her to a wildlife rescue center for help. “I’m still not sure why that tiny sample bottle was in there,” Pettis added.

Rescuers gave the animal fluids — “She perked up rather quickly after that,” Pettis said. After a few days in their care, the opossum seemed sober enough to return to the wild.

“I’ve found my spirit animal at last,” one commenter wrote.

“She needs a Waffle House breakfast,” another added. “Trust me on this one.”

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