Monkey Finds Orphaned Puppy, Cares For It As If It Is Her Own Baby

Deep in the city of Erode, India lives a special rhesus macaque monkey.  He appears to be like any other monkey, except for one thing. This monkey has a special friend that he adopted, a puppy.

Erode city locals could not believe it when they saw this monkey defend his adopted puppy from stray dogs that were trying to attack him. The locals were feeding the monkey and puppy food, and were stunned when they witnessed the monkey let the puppy eat first.

“People who have seen them spoke of their strong mutual affection and described their bond as the most caring thing in the world — to take care of a puppy in danger and protect him like a parent. Their undying affection gives us a valuable lesson about relationships.”

This rhesus monkey adopted this puppy.

monkey adopts puppy

And protected the little puppy from stray dogs.

monkey adopts puppy

The monkey even lets the puppy eat first!

monkey adopts puppy

As you can see, the bond between them is special.

monkey adopts puppy

This monkey thinks the puppy is her own child.

monkey adopts puppy

monkey adopts puppy

monkey adopts puppy

monkey adopts puppy

“People who have seen them spoke of their strong mutual affection and described their bond as the most caring thing in the world.”
monkey adopts puppy


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