These adorable kittens were named after characters in the Hunger Games: Prim, Rue, Katniss, Alex, and Theo. The kittens are at the Oklahoma Humane Society and were all born without eyelids. They all require medical treatment and have also gone through difficulties at a very young age. The Rita’s Angels Fund organization has helped pay for the kitten’s treatment. Dr. Jeff Studer, a veterinarian who specializes in eyes, said that the kittens have a rare disorder. Because they do not have eyelids, hair that would be separate from the skin rubs on the kittens’ corneas, causing damage.
The Oklahoma Humane Society started the Rita’s Angel Fund, to help animals in need of medical treatment. The fund is named after founding board member Rita Hoch. It assists thousands of animals every year, such as Boo, a dog who had parvo and a broken leg when the organization found her. After the fund raised money for her medical bills, Boo recovered, and a loving family ended up adopting her.
The story of these five precious kittens touched so many people’s hearts, that donations came in from around the world. There was even a donation from Japan. The next step is surgery for each kitten.
Once they recover, the Humane Society plans to find them all owners who can give them extra care. Thanks to the Oklahoma Humane Society and everyone who donated, these five adorable animals can get the medical treatment they need.
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