19 Dogs Sleeping In Totally Ridiculous Positions

This little stool looks like the perfect place for a bowl of dog food, right?

11. “I May Be A Little Wrinkly, But I’m Still Lovable”

funny sleeping dogs

This puppy might be the smushiest pup out there. Lying in this position definitely isn’t helping him get rid of any wrinkles.

12. “I’m Coming With You!”

funny sleeping dogs

For anyone who’s ever told a friend, “I want to come on your vacation — I’ll just hide in your suitcase,” this dog understands.

13. “My Tongue Is A Little Too Big”

funny sleeping dogs

This pup seems to have lost control of her tongue and let it just fall out of her mouth while sleeping.

14. “Shh, I’m Totally Working Out”

funny sleeping dogs

This is definitely the appropriate way to exercise — good work, doggo.

15. “In This Dream, I’m Flying”

funny sleeping dogs

This little corgi looks like he’s trying to fool people into thinking he’s a flying squirrel.

16. “I Can’t Decide If The Basket Or The Floor Is More Comfy”

funny sleeping dogs

While humans may flip over the pillow to get comfortable, this puppy just puts his head straight on the floor.

17. “I’m Too Tall For This Couch”

funny sleeping dogs

This dog seems to have grown out of his nice little couch corner but hasn’t given up on lying there.

18. “Mom, I’m Just Going To Come Cuddle Right Here”

funny sleeping dogs

If you’ve ever had a pet try to sleep on your face, you’ll understand what this woman is dealing with.

19. *FLOP*

funny sleeping dogs

This dog truly understands how exhausting life is — sometimes we’re just too tired to even properly lie down.

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