Kittens Discover Their Owner’s Electric Foot Warmer, Decide It Now Belongs To Them…

Tora and Saba, found the ultimate snuggle spot, and it’s tucking themselves into a heated pocket. “It’s getting cold, so I bought a heated carpet for my feet,” @kokonananya from Japan wrote. “As soon as they turned it on, the kittens snuggled right in.”

The adorable duo can’t get enough of this puuurrrfect invention, leaving us just as hooked on their pictures.

These two kittens, Tora and Saba, just found the ultimate remedy against the winter blues…

And it’s tucking themselves into a heated pocket

“It’s getting cold, so I bought a heated carpet for my feet”

“As soon as they turned it on, the kittens snuggled right in”

The adorable duo can’t get enough of this puuurrrfect invention…

The true purpose of foot warmers revealed – keeping kittens warm!


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