This is the story of Bonsai, a bulldog puppy born with many medical conditions and only two paws. Nothing stops this pup from enjoying his life and cherishing his family, despite his condition. Bonsai is from Fort Worth, Texas.
When Bonsai was born, he only had half a spine and very tiny deformed hind legs. When he was very young, his back paws were amputated. The sweet puppy also suffers from a form of spina bifida, along with multiple medical conditions. Because of his condition, the vets have no idea what is in store for Bonsai and a proper prognosis also cannot be made.
Take a look at Bonsai here:
Bonsai lives with Elizabeth Hart and she has launched a YouCaring page called “Bonsai – Half A Bulldog, Twice the Love” so people can come forward to help support this beautiful pup.
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