Heartless Family Abandons Senior Dog And Replaces Her With Puppy

It is always exciting when a family adopts a new puppy. It often happens when their previous dog has passed on. It takes the time to heal after such an ordeal, and some wait for some time to pass before bringing a new canine into the home.

However, this heartless family could not wait.

Cookie, their fifteen-year-old Cocker Spaniel was turned into the shelter, and they promptly walked out with a new black Labrador puppy. Cookie watched the whole ordeal, and she cried as she saw her family leaving with the new dog. She was heartbroken, could not understand why they were leaving without her.

Thankfully, Cookie she was not at the shelter for very long before she was rescued and taken to a new forever home by Brittney Place. There she will not be neglected or left behind. Say NO to senior dog abandonment. They do not deserve it.


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