This is the story of 11-year-old Mojo and 16-year-old Max. They were both older cats in a shelter without a hope of being adopted. Until one woman decided to rescue not only one, but two cats. She reunited best friends!
Anne Arundel County Animal Control in Maryland said these handsome cats were dropped off and had been together for years.
Because the shelter’s policy mandated that the cats had to be kept in separate cages, it seemed unlikely they would be adopted together.
“About a month ago, this lady adopted Mojo, an 11-year-old cat who came to the shelter with another cat, Max, who is 16,” the shelter wrote on Facebook.
“Mojo has been a wonderful pet, she said, but she couldn’t get Max out of her mind,” the shelter continued. “‘The idea of him living out his life in a cage just broke my heart,’ she said.”
Mojo was restless as well. When he arrived to his forever home, he loved it, but it was obvious he was still missing Max. The woman went back to the shelter and promptly adopted Max, reuniting the two old friends.
The two have been inseparable ever since.
It’s obvious the two were meant to spend the rest of one of their lives together.
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