Woman Rescues Three-Day-Old Tiny Calf From The Auction

This story is one about a tiny little calf named Blitzen who was only 37 pounds and at only a few days old, was being sold at a cattle auction. He should never have been separated from his mother at such a young, fragile age.
rescued tiny calf
Susie Coston, watched while people made rude comments about this poor, defenseless creature.
rescued tiny calf
Susie is a Farm Sanctuary’s National Shelter Director and took one look at Blitzen, and she knew exactly what she had to do. Because the calf was taken from its mother too early, it would not have enough colostrum, which would cause him to easily develop infections and diseases. She knew this calf would be in grave danger if she didn’t intervene.
rescued tiny calf
She purchased Blitzen and two other calves there, Alexander and Lawerence, and immediately took them to Nemo Far Animal Hospital at Cornell University.

When they arrived, the vets realized that Blitzen needed a blood transfusion and was suffering from pneumonia. Thankfully, because of the swift thinking of Susie and the quick hands of the animal hospital staff, Blitzen was on a speedy route to recovery!
rescued tiny calf
It has been six years since then, and Blitzen is now a thriving, happy, healthy cow.


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