Louisiana Boaters Capture Rare Sight Of A Pink Dolphin

Meet Pinkie, the legendary pink dolphin who has roamed the waters of Louisiana for years shocking countless viewers with her unique skin color.

Dolphins generally have pink bellies, but it is extremely rare to see a completely pink dolphin. Scientists think pink dolphins have albinism, a genetic defect where their bodies do not produce the normal chemicals that pigment the skin grey. Other than her eyes not opening all the way and her color, Pinkie is a completely normal dolphin.

Until recently, however, nobody has been able to confirm Pinkie’s gender.  Many assumed that she was female simply because of her color, but it wasn’t until last year that somebody got close enough to take pictures of Pinkie in action during the mating season.

Captain Erik Rue, a charter boat captain, captured snapshots of her swimming around Lake Charles, Lousiana. Although they’ve been acquaintances since 2007, he says Pinkie is a curious dolphin who swims as close as 10 feet to his boat, in 2015 he said that he finally figured out that Pinkie is a she. “I’ve taken a ton of pictures of her mating and it proved she’s a female,” he said. “I believe I’m first one who saw her and I know I’m the first one to take pictures of her.”

Now that we know Pinkie is a girl, we wonder is Pinkie pregnant?


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