Joshua and Bee Fisher were looking to expand the family, even though they have three kids. They researched and decided they would adopt the Newfoundland breed because of their loving demeanor. Except, they did not realize on thing about the dogs until they saw them in person…
When the Fisher family wanted to add to their family, they decided on a breed of dog known for getting along with kids.
The Fishers decided to go with two Newfoundlands because of their calm and loving nature.
They were shocked by their size when they met them in person. This breed can grow up to six feet long from nose to tail and weigh over 270 pounds!
When they brought Ralphie and Boss home, their kids were blown away! Ralphie weighed in at 125 pounds and Boss, 160.
As it turned out, the Newfoundlands were amazing with the young ones!
The are truly gentle giants and allow the kids to crawl all over them. They are so well behaved that the family can take Ralphie and Boss anywhere!
There is however, one downside. The drool and hair… lots of it!
Despite their size, mom and dad made the right decision bringing Ralphie and Boss into their home!
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