Shelter Implements ‘Book Buddies’ Program Where Children Can Come Read To Adoptable Cats

The Animal Rescue League of Berks County, P.A. has blown up the internet with their heartwarming photos of their ‘Book Buddies’ program.

Book Buddies is a volunteer based program.  Children are recruited to read to sheltered cats. It’s two-fold, while it encourages kids to read, it also provides shelter cats with company!  Not to mention how adorable they are together!

“The program will help children improve their reading skills while also helping the shelter animals. Cats find the rhythmic sound of a voice very comforting and soothing,” the shelter explained.
kids reading to cats

After the kids have read 5 books, they are rewarded with stickers, prizes and snacks. And their bonus is they get to hang out with cats.

Look sat these adorable pictures of kids reading to shelter cats. Some of the cats sit and listen patiently, while others, well they just do whatever they want.
kids reading to cats

kids reading to cats

kids reading to cats

kids reading to cats

kids reading to cats

kids reading to cats

kids reading to cats

kids reading to cats

kids reading to cats


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