Hilarious Photos Of Animals Who Look Like They’re About To Release The Next Hottest Album

These animals totally knew they were posing for album covers. They haven’t signed any exclusive contracts yet, but who knows?

#1 The Up-and-coming Music Legends

funny animal album covers

#2 They Look Like They Are Posing For A 90s Rap Album Cover

funny animal album covers

#3 These Cows Look Like They’re About To Drop The Hottest Indie Rock Album Of The Year

funny animal album covers

#4 Norwegian Black Metal Puppies

funny animal album covers

#5 The Meow-tang Clan Pose For Their Debut Rap Album

funny animal album covers

#6 The Band With The Twin Guitarists

funny animal album covers

#7 The Pop Trio Owls

funny animal album covers

#8 This Mandrill Looks Like It’s About To Drop The Hottest Mixtape Of The Year

funny animal album covers

#9 This Dog And Owl Dropping Their New Album

funny animal album covers

#10 The Electronic Rock Penguins

funny animal album covers

#11 The 80s Duo Horse Pop Band From Iceland

funny animal album covers

#12 The Newest Grunge Band In The Scene

funny animal album covers

#13 Emo Rabbit About To Drop His Solo Album

funny animal album covers

#14 Fall Out Boy

funny animal album covers

#15 The Hard Rock Squirrels

funny animal album covers

#16 This Dog In The Shower Look Like He About To Drop The Hottest Album

funny animal album covers

#17 Finnish Metal Band

funny animal album covers

#18 One Direction

funny animal album covers

#19 These Meerkats Dropping Their Family Album This Year

funny animal album covers

#20 The Emo Revival Duo

funny animal album covers

#21 This Retriever Finally Coming Out With His Solo Album

funny animal album covers

#22 These Llamas Are The Newest Hit In The Country Rock Scene

funny animal album covers

#23 The Lion Sleeps Tonight

funny animal album covers

#24 Hottest Album For Summer 2017 Is Coming Soon

funny animal album covers

#25 The Aggressive Rock Chickens

funny animal album covers

#26 The Meerkat Dolls

funny animal album covers

#27 Manatee-nevermind

funny animal album covers

#28 The Lions Look Like They’re On A Cover For Best Romantic Hits Album

funny animal album covers

#29 The Cutest Duet To Sign A Record Deal Ever

funny animal album covers

#30 Eco Band

funny animal album covers

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