Hilarious Dog Shaming Photos: Make Up Edition

Dogs can get into messy situations, with some pretty humorous results. There’s even an entire “Dog Shaming” movement dedicated to showing the world just how much trouble our beloved pups can get into.

So when pups decide to have some fun with our beauty products, well…

1. “It’s so hard to find that perfect red, you know?”

dog shaming photos

2. “If you’ve got fair skin, start off slow and build up the color.”

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dog shaming photos

4. “I was doing you a favor. That foundation was not the right shade for you.”

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5. “You say ‘naughty’ when you know you mean ‘fabulous’.”

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6. “I know they say you shouldn’t pair a bold lip with a bold eye but Huskies don’t follow rules.”

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7. “Oh sure, blame the one who can’t defend himself.”

dog shaming photos