Borkie Price Guide (2024)

Borkie Price

Looking to bring a Borkie into your home? One of the first questions you may have is about the borkie price. While it’s true that the cost of a Borkie can vary depending on several factors, I’m here to give you a rough idea of what to expect.

On average, the price range for a Borkie puppy is between $500 and $1,500. This range takes into account factors such as location, breeder reputation, and the lineage of the parents. Keep in mind that this initial cost is not the only expense you’ll need to consider when owning a Borkie.

In addition to the purchase price, you’ll also need to budget for ongoing expenses such as food, grooming, veterinary care, and training. These expenses can add up over time, so it’s important to be prepared.

Borkie Price: $500 to $1,500

  • Consider ongoing expenses such as food, grooming, veterinary care, and training.
  • Adoption options may be more affordable than purchasing from a breeder.
  • Choose a reputable breeder who prioritizes the health and well-being of their dogs.
  • When it comes to Borkies, responsible breeding, and the dog’s well-being should always be a priority.

Factors Affecting Borkie Price

When considering the cost of a Borkie puppy, several factors come into play. Reputable breeders who prioritize the health and well-being of their dogs often charge a higher price for their puppies. The lineage and pedigree of the parents can also influence the price, with Borkies from champion bloodlines typically commanding a higher cost. Additionally, the location where the breeder is located can impact the price, as costs can vary between different regions.

Choosing a reputable breeder is crucial to ensure you are getting a healthy and well-socialized Borkie. Reputable breeders provide proper care for their dogs and take the time to socialize their puppies, setting them up for a good start in life. They invest in the health and temperament of their Borkies, which is reflected in the price of their puppies.

It’s important to do thorough research when looking for a Borkie breeder. Take the time to visit the breeder’s facility, ask questions about the lineage and health testing of the parents, and observe how the puppies are being raised. This will help you make an informed decision and find a breeder who prioritizes the well-being of their dogs.

In summary, the price of a Borkie puppy is influenced by factors such as breeder reputation, lineage, and location. While it may be tempting to opt for a cheaper price, it’s essential to prioritize responsible breeding and the health of the dog. Investing in a well-bred and well-cared-for Borkie will not only ensure you have a happy and healthy companion but also save you potential expenses in the long run.

borkie puppy

Table: Average Borkie Prices by Region

Region Average Price Range
Northeast $800 – $1,500
Midwest $700 – $1,200
West $900 – $1,800
South $600 – $1,000

Other Considerations for Borkie Ownership

When searching for a Borkie puppy, it may be tempting to look for a cheap Borkie price. However, it is vital to prioritize responsible breeding, quality, and the well-being of the dog. While there may be Borkie puppies for sale at lower prices, they may come from puppy mills or backyard breeders who do not prioritize the health and temperament of their dogs. These puppies may be more prone to health issues and behavioral problems, resulting in additional expenses and potential heartbreak in the long run.

Instead of focusing solely on finding a cheap Borkie price, consider adoption options or reputable breeders who prioritize the well-being of their Borkies. Adoption fees for Borkies can vary, but they are generally more affordable compared to purchasing from a breeder. By adopting a Borkie, you provide a loving home for a dog in need while also saving money on the initial cost.

“I always recommend adopting a Borkie if possible. Not only do you save a life, but you also avoid supporting unethical breeding practices,” says Dr. Sarah Thompson, a veterinarian specializing in small dog breeds. “Adoption fees typically cover vaccinations, spaying or neutering, and sometimes even microchipping, making it a cost-effective and compassionate choice.”

When considering Borkie ownership, it’s important to remember that the initial price is just the beginning. Owning a Borkie involves ongoing expenses such as food, grooming, veterinary care, and training. These costs should be factored into your budget to ensure the health and happiness of your Borkie. Additionally, proper healthcare and preventive measures such as regular vaccinations and check-ups can help prevent future health issues, reducing potential long-term expenses.

cheap borkie price

The True Cost of Owning a Borkie

Owning a Borkie goes beyond the initial price of purchasing or adopting the puppy. It’s essential to consider the long-term expenses associated with their care. These include regular veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, grooming, food, toys, and other supplies. Borkies may also require training classes or professional behaviorists to address any specific behavioral needs. It’s important to budget for these ongoing costs to ensure the well-being and happiness of your Borkie.

To give you a better idea of the potential expenses involved in owning a Borkie, here’s a breakdown of some common costs:

Expense Approximate Cost
Veterinary Care $200 – $500 per year
Grooming $50 – $100 per session
Food $30 – $50 per month
Training Classes $100 – $200 per course

It’s important to note that these costs can vary depending on factors such as your location and the specific needs of your Borkie. Additionally, unexpected expenses, such as emergency medical care, should also be taken into account. Having a financial plan in place before bringing a Borkie into your home will help ensure that you can provide the necessary care and support for your furry friend.

While the cost of owning a Borkie may seem daunting, the love and companionship they bring into your life are priceless. By budgeting for their needs and prioritizing their well-being, you can enjoy the rewarding experience of being a Borkie owner.


After considering the various factors that impact the price of a Borkie, it is clear that responsible breeding and the well-being of the dog should always be a top priority. While the initial cost of a Borkie puppy can range from $500 to $1,500, it is essential to budget for the long-term expenses associated with owning one.

In addition to the purchase price, ongoing expenses such as food, grooming, veterinary care, and training should be taken into account. These costs ensure the health and happiness of your Borkie companion. It’s also worth exploring adoption options, as they often provide a more affordable choice for those looking to bring a Borkie into their home.

When considering a Borkie, it is crucial to avoid purchasing from puppy mills or backyard breeders who prioritize profits over the well-being of the dogs. These puppies may come with health issues or behavioral problems. Instead, opt for reputable breeders who prioritize the health and temperament of their Borkies or consider adopting a Borkie in need of a loving home.

In conclusion, while the cost of a Borkie can vary, it is essential to make a well-informed decision that prioritizes the welfare of the dog. By considering all aspects of ownership, including ongoing expenses and responsible breeding practices, you can ensure a happy and fulfilling life for your beloved Borkie.


What is the average price range for a Borkie puppy?

The average price of a Borkie puppy ranges from $500 to $1,500.

What factors can affect the price of a Borkie?

The price of a Borkie can be influenced by factors such as breeder reputation, lineage, and location.

Are there adoption options available for Borkies?

Yes, adoption options may be available for those looking to bring a Borkie into their home.

What other expenses should I consider when owning a Borkie?

In addition to the initial cost, it’s important to budget for ongoing expenses such as food, grooming, veterinary care, and training.

Should I prioritize price over responsible breeding when purchasing a Borkie?

No, it’s important to prioritize responsible breeding and the well-being of the dog over price.