People post “Beware of Dog” signs to warn any would-be burglars or trespassers that a dog lives on the premises. These signs have been around since ancient Rome where an ancient mosaic was found at the “House of the Tragic Poet” with the words CAVE CANEM, which is Latin for “Beware of the Dog.”
It is believed that these signs were in place to warn people NOT to step on the small dogs that lived in the house.
1. The truth hurts!
2. Well, this is good to know!
3. Strange is a good word for this dog!
4. Free concert when you visit this house!
5. This is true, cats can be so much more vicious than dogs!
6. Nothing is worse than a sarcastic dog!
7. Reminds me of the song with the line “Who let the dogs out”!
8. Dogs are an excellent judge of character – I think this makes total sense!
9. I bet this house doesn’t get many unwanted visitors!