Former Bait Dog With Head Injury Receives Hats As Gifts From All Over The World

Abigail’s former owners tried to train her to be a fighter, or at least, the kind of dog who would encourage others to fight, like a bait dog.

When she arrived at Miami-Dade Animal Services in November, the poor dog looked like a living chew toy.

“Her whole entire side of her face was missing,” Victoria Frazier of Love Is Fur Ever Dog Rescue said. “Her skin tissue was hanging. Most of her ear was gone.”
bait dog
With help from Pets First Wellness Center and Love Is Fur Ever Abigail found her way back from the brink.
bait dog
She needed hatsto cover the wound on her head. Volunteers began knitting hats in earnest, giving Abigail a style for all seasons.
bait dog
Abigail loved wearing them from the start.
bait dog
As more people read the former bait dog’s story, more hats started pouring in.
bait dog
So far, Abigail has more than 50. Frazier says, more are arriving at the rescue all the time.
bait dog
“People all over the world are following her journey,” Frazier said. “She get gifts weekly — from organic treats, toys, to bonnets.”

“We get many people saying they look forward to her posts every day, and that Abigail has restored their faith in humanity.”


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