Meet Able, The Two-Legged ‘Kangaroo Cat’ Who Stole Everyone’s Hearts

People in Chiang Mai, Thailand first heard a loud noise, so loud they thought it was a bomb going off. Soon, they learned that it had come from a series of loose wires that came into contact in the street below. When Walai Sriboonvorakul walked out into the street, she could not believe what she saw.

Lying in the road near death was a 1-year-old cat who had been electrocuted. The poor little guy was a fighter but he ultimately lost both his front legs and his tail. With the help of Walai and her son, he recovered and he’s now hopping into the hearts of people all over the world!

Thailand’s Walai Sriboonvorakul fell in love Ablethe cat, after he was electrocuted by fallen wires. The injury cost him his two front legs.

Despite his disability, Able has no problem making his way around the house just like any regular cat.

“Able is one of the family,” Walai’s son said. “I’m like his big brother. He runs up the stairs to my bedroom to wake me up.”


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