After A Young Man Found Two Kittens On A Dirt Road, He Rescued And Provided Them With A New Chance At Life

They were given fluids and vitamins, along with a milk substitute.

jungle cat rescue

The challenge was to get their weight up and still be able to reintroduce them to the wild when they were ready.

jungle cat rescue

Eventually, they were able to eat solid food.

jungle cat rescue

Their prognosis was looking up.

jungle cat rescue

They sure liked eating!

jungle cat rescue

Hopefully, they will be able to go back to their natural habitat in no time.

jungle cat rescue

The jungle cat isn’t at risk, but there are reportedly only about 600 living in Israel.

jungle cat rescue

So it’s important that these little guys get back out to nature with a clean bill of health!

jungle cat rescue

It’s amazing that Hamdan noticed these jungle kittens before something happened to them. Thank goodness they’re in good hands!

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